Air Assault School
Training is available at different Army posts across the country. It is a 12-day course that consists of rigorous physical training, helicopter sling load training, rappelling, and a 12-mile timed road march in full combat gear. Cadets proudly display their Air Assault wings and can share their stories from training with you.

Airborne School
Located at Ft. Benning, Georgia, it is available through Army ROTC to all contracted cadets. The course is three weeks long, consisting of a ground week, tower week, and jump week. Each week covers different topics or points of performance, designed to teach Cadets to conduct airborne operations. After five successful parachute jumps, including one night jump and own combat equipment jump, Cadets will be awarded the U.S. Army Parachutist Badge.
Project GO
Project GO is a nationwide program open to all qualified ROTC students offering fully-funded opportunities in critical language education, overseas study, and cross-cultural experience. Through Project GO, future military officers develop linguistic and cross-cultural communication skills required for effective leadership for all Services in the 21st-century operational environment. Since 2007, Project GO has provided approximately 6,500 students with opportunities to study culture and 19 languages, both domestically and abroad in 33 countries around the world.

Select Cadets have the opportunity to increase their leadership experience by assignments to platoon leader or similar positions with Active Army units or with government agencies for 3 weeks within the continental United States to 4 weeks at assignments outside of the continental United States. Cadets serve in lieutenant-level leadership positions in active-duty units. Cadets are assigned a unit mentor and are provided on-post lodging and meals via a Dining Facility.

Ranger Challenge Team
Often described as the “varsity sport” of ROTC, the annual Ranger Challenge is a high-intensity, inter-school competition that includes testing military skills, and a myriad of other physical and team-oriented events. Schools within the Brigade send teams to Fort A.P Hill, VA every Fall to compete against each other. Participation on the team is open to male and female cadets. The training is fast-paced and rigorous but provides a tremendous opportunity for personal growth, leadership development, and camaraderie.

Army 10 Miler Team
Opportunity to join a team of Cadets who compete every October in the Army 10 Miler against other ROTC Cadets and race competitors. This is an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. for an unforgettable experience to run around our nation’s capital.