Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP): Be a student, as well as a cadet in the National Guard or Army Reserve.
Army ROTC offers a program known as the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). This program is designed to allow you to obtain hands-on leadership experience in a National Guard unit while you are enrolled in Army ROTC. This program is available to Non-Scholarship cadets who wish to pursue the opportunities of a career in the Reserve Forces. If you participate in the SMP program, you will be part of a local Reserve or National Guard unit, serve in a leadership position equal to a commissioned officer, and receive pay and allowances from the Army like that of a junior leader in the Reserve Forces. All this is in addition to your monthly stipend from ROTC. The possibilities for growth and practical experience are many, as you test yourself and learn as a leader in your Reserve unit.
For more information, please contact our Recruiting and Operations Officer, Mr. Michael Lim at mlim@udel.edu or at 302-831-8213.